As well as being aesthetically stunning in any room of any home, wood flooring is highly sought-after for its impressive durability. Unlike carpets or vinyl flooring, wood flooring is resistant to general wear and tear as well as one-off damage or staining.
But are some types of wood floor more durable than others? Read on as we explore this key question…
Hardwood over softwood
When it comes to the durability of wood flooring, the key variable is the type of wood you choose. Softwoods like pine, fir and spruce may be slightly cheaper but they are more susceptible to scratches, scuff marks and dents.
In contrast, hardwoods like oak and walnut are more resistant. That’s because they’re from trees that grow slower, providing more density in the structure for the wood. With that in mind, all varieties of hardwood generally offer great durability.
Go for something versatile
If you’re looking for durable flooring, you clearly want something that can stand the test of time. Given that all hardwood flooring options are highly durable, they will typically outlive various furniture choices, design trends and colour schemes. That’s why it’s important to consider versatility for something truly long-lasting.
Oak is a very popular option as it has beautiful natural wood tones that can match any interior. Whether you’re adding intimacy to a large open space with dark shades or using a light, bright, modern design scheme with pastel colours, oak works in harmony with both.
What about finishes?
Another factor in the durability of wood flooring is your choice of finish. The two main options are oiled and lacquered. Oil soaks into the wood and accentuates its beautiful, natural graining. It provides added protection, which can be reapplied whenever needed.
On the other hand, a lacquered finish adds more sheen to the wood, which looks less natural but provides slightly more protection. That said, the lacquer does make the flooring more susceptible to scratching because it forms a coat on top of the wood.
Finishes are also a point of consideration when it comes to the type of wood you choose. While a dark wood will be protected by an oiled or lacquered finish, a lighter wood can also change style with a finish. So, if you do want to change your flooring’s style to match a different design, a lighter wood can work wonders. Simply sand down the wood and reapply a new finish – another area where oak excels.
Visit our showroom
At Greyspace Flooring, we stock a range of high-quality, durable hardwood flooring products. Whether it’s parquet or engineered, our stunning products combine luxury appearance, timeless style and unparalleled durability and strength.
If you want to get a better idea of the best option for your property, visit our showroom in Sheffield or contact our team.