Wood floor installation can single-handedly transform a room or an entire property. It’s no surprise that so many people are interested – and with that interest comes a number of questions. Easily one of the most frequent is how long it takes.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on a multitude of factors, which we’ll take a closer look at in this post.

1. Size

As you would expect, the size of the room is the first factor that affects how long wood floor installation takes. Generally speaking, the bigger the room, the longer it takes – but there are plenty of exceptions…

2. Shape

It’s impossible to say how long a specific job will take without seeing it in person. One of the reasons for that is the shape of a room. It’s all well and good saying a room is 10 square metres, but it could have an awkward shape with lots of twists and turns.

Doorways, alcoves and protruding features like cabinets or mantlepieces can all make a job take longer, quite simply because the wood needs to be accurately cut to shape to fit perfectly around them. With that in mind, a simple living room that’s 30 metres squared could be just as quick as a complex hallway that’s half the size.

3. Subfloor

Another factor that affects the duration of a job is the state of the subfloor. If the subfloor is a flat concrete or chipboard, there will be no need to spend time repairing or making good. If it’s unlevel or unsuitable for the wood floor to be laid, on the other hand, it could add significant time to the installation.

4. Methods

On top of all that, there’s the method of installation. If you have a wooden subfloor, secret nailing can be used, which is the faster option. This involves nails being driven through the floorboard’s tongue to fix it in place. For obvious reasons, it doesn’t work with concrete underneath.

The other option is to glue the floor down, which takes a little longer and is more expensive because of the adhesives required. That said, it’s also necessary in some cases. Parquet floors always need to be glued because they’re too thick for nails, for instance.

5. Finish

Finally, there’s the finish. An oil or hard-wearing lacquer can provide an added layer of protection for your wood floors. It costs a bit more and adds to the overall installation time, but it’s definitely worth it for the time and money you’ll save further down the line as your floors will look and feel great for longer.

Bespoke wood floor installation

At Greyspace Flooring, we understand that no two homes are the same. That’s why we offer a bespoke approach to wood flooring throughout the supply and installation process.

Our team can even sand and stain your wood floors on site. That way, you can see a choice of finishes in situ. It could save you the time and effort of having them sanded down and redone if you decide you’ve gone for the wrong colour or finish.

To find out more, feel free to visit our Sheffield showroom or contact our team.


Photo credit: Ted Todd Flooring

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